I hate to say it but as a life-long Chicagoan, somethings in this city just do not change.
There are of course the old cliches about gangsters and vote rigging that have for the most part fallen by the wayside. But one thing that has not changed is crooked cops. There are many, many really good, hard working cops in the city. But there are also some really bad ones. This huge guy beat the crap out of a small woman, who was on the floor, trying as best she could to defend herself. This guy deserved to go to jail with the regular population and see what it feels like to become someones bitch.
There have been quite a number of recent stories about corrupt Chicago cops shaking down motorists, stealing drugs or cash from dealers, and even of other fights. But this was particularly bad and justice was NOT served by him getting probation. It's a disgrace and makes all hard working honest cops look bad.
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