I think the people who take the 2nd amendment literally, don't take it literally enough. That law was written at a time of powder-loaded muskets! Not at a time when 8 year old children, sitting innocently in their own bedrooms, are struck down by bullets from drive-by shootings, which JUST happened again today in Chicago!
It's obscene to claim that one group of peoples rights should trump the rights of innocent children, just because they are fearful of some invisible enemy lurking in dark allies. You simply cannot defend something that is costing thousands of lives of children in America every year. Period.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
1 comment:
typical kookery. Im sure the criminals doing the illegal drivebys will giveup their already illegal guns. No it's the law-abiding guy in his home protecting his wife and kids that now won't have a gun.
Anyway the Second-AMendment isn't about hunting, it's not about target practice. It's about We The People having the tools needed to rise up against the government when it gets out of bounds. So no I don't think a musket would help against M-16s. Now back to the real world.
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