Friday, February 26, 2010

School Administrator Boasts About Spying On Students Using Laptop Webcams

The arrogance and self-righteous attitude of these administrators is galling yet unsurprising. They feel like they can do anything they want without repercussion. I hope the FBI or the courts come down hard on this kind of abuse.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Honda CR-Z Sports Hybrid Launches

I want one! This is a hot little roadster that also just happens to be a hybrid. It also happens to be affordable. It's perfect for me: It's a two-seater, which is fine because I rarely have more than one other person riding with me. Usually it's just me and my dog. It's a hybrid, which is important because everyone should strive to take more personal responsibility in being more efficient with our diminishing resources. And, it's sporty which is great. I enjoy driving and have always loved performance cars. I have wanted to move to a hybrid for several years but did not want to give up the performance of my sports car. Now I won't have to. Kudos to Honda for taking another chance.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

John Boehner Is Now Upset That The Health Care Bill Isn't Long Enough

Congressman Barney Frank appeared on the Rachel Maddow show last night. As they discussed the plague of hypocrisy currently affecting the GOP over the Stimulus, Frank stated: "I've never said this before about colleagues on the other side of the aisle but it's intellectual dishonesty. They want President Obama to fail". It was suddenly so clear: The GOP has no intention of debating in good faith. They no the exact conclusion that they want to reach before they start. So no matter what anyone else says or does, they will choose whichever course helps them achieve their desired end result of President Obama's complete failure as a leader. Progressives want to solve problems and make, well, progress. The GOP does not. They want to do everything in their power -- including lying -- to send this country back to an era when we didn't acknowledge gays, minorities, or women, and rich, old white men ruled everything and did whatever they damn well pleased. THAT is what all of these "debates" on healthcare reform, pollution caps, and jobs bills are all about. Congressman Frank boiled it all down to this very easy to understand point.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Alexander Haig Dead: Former Secretary Of State Dies

Another one bites the dust!

Dick Cheney: ask NOT for whom the bell tolls. It tolls for thee!
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Sugar May Be Bad But This Sweetener Is Far More Deadly

You have Ronnie Reagan to thank for the lack of FDA regulation on this and the lack of regulation in so many other matters. It was all part of Ronnie's "Government is Bad" revolution. George Bush Jr. took it to new lows by filling government regulation jobs with political hacks (ie. "Heckuva Job Brownie"). So, when you think about lead in toys from China or e coli bacteria in raw meat, think about Ronnie and Bush Jr. who brought you this "revolution".
About Health
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost