Travesty. Farce. Mockery. Take your pick -- they all apply. This is a complete and utter miscarriage of justice. This cop was caught red-handed on video doing shots of alcohol just minutes before he smashed into the car of two twenty-something young men and ended their lives. And surprise, surprise, he gets away with it in Cook County, IL. I have a bit of personal experience in this area, as I was hit by a drunk driver who was also allowed to walk away without punishment. Luckily, though very badly injured -- I survived. These two poor young men are dead because of the callous, careless disregard for the public safety displayed by the horrible cop. This is such a shameful example of the "blue code of silence" that cops & officers of the courts have used here in Chicago for decades, and sadly it still exists and injures the public that they are sworn to protect! Shame!
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost