Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Prop 8 Decision: Gay Marriage Ban Upheld By California Supreme Court

I'm sad to say that I'm not surprised by this decision. But what the gay rights community needs to take away from this decision is twofold. First, they made a mistake by misjudging the bigotry and fear of the opposition. It's okay: everyone makes mistakes. Sometimes it's easy to get comfortable and overlook the fact that there are those who wish you harm. Next, they need to accept that and vow to do whatever is necessary to overturn this legislated discrimination. They need to take all of their anger, bitterness, fear, and sorrow and channel it into a positive. They need to organize and network like they never have before. They need to go door-to-door if necessary to present their case to the voters, the majority of whom should see that they pose NO THREAT to straight marriages. Gay rights are to civil rights today what the issue of skin color was in the 1960's. Discrimination of this type is wrong and it WILL eventually be banned, but as the conservatives have shown, not without considerable difficulty and work.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Monday, May 25, 2009

What Did Powell Know, and Why Isn't He Subjected to the Pelosi Treatment?

Both Dick Cheney and Colin Powell have lost their credibility. They lied. And not just small lies, but massive, historical lies. "We know where the WMD's are". "It's a slam dunk". "Mission accomplished". "We're in the last throw's". "Sadaam possesses chemical, biological, and nuclear weapons capability". All wrong. All lies.

Now for some reason, they media is falling over themselves to give airtime to these two liars. And we're supposed to pay attention. Let's summarize. Dick Cheney and Colin Powell were part of the worst presidency in modern history. They lied us into an unnecessary war and let Osama bin Laden escape. They spied on innocent Americans, tortured people, and dropped the ball on 9/11. And the whole time the media looked the other way and failed their duty to ask tough questions.

The bottom line is this: We won. You lost. Now, get out of the way so we can repair all the damage you've done to this country!
About Harsh Interrogations
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Friday, May 22, 2009

Just saw Terminator Salvation. Good not great.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

He's a Dick

Dick Cheney authorized illegal torture. Dick Cheney authorized illegal spying. Dick Cheney was negligent in keeping America safe before 9/11. Dick Cheney leaked the identity of a covert CIA agent to the media. Dick Cheney pushed the US into an unjustified and unnecessary war in Iraq with now disproved claims of ties between Iraq and al Qeada. He, along with his associates Paul Wolfowitz, and Donald Rumsfeld made claims of soldiers being greeted as liberators, and showered with rose petals. They told us that the mission would be accomplished quickly, cheaply and completely. Yet 7 years, billions of dollars, and over 4000 US lives later, we still occupy Iraq. And bin Laden? He's still free and hiding in Pakistan. Oh, and the supposed WMD's that Cheney and CIA chief Tenet called a "slam dunk"? Of course they were never found, because they never existed. No, 9/11 gave the Bush administration it's needed excuse to topple Sadaam -- a plan that they had in place from day 1 of their tenure. Cheney claims that the Bush administration kept America safe for 7 1/2 years. What he cannot claim is that the Bush administration kept America safe for it's entire 8 years in office because of course, 9/11 happened well into their first year in office. It is now well known that Bush and Cheney were briefed in August of 2001, just one month before 9/11 with a PDB (Presidential Daily Briefing) titled "bin Laden determined to attack America". It is also now known that then President Bush brushed aside the PDB given to him by saying "Okay, you've covered your ass". Meaning of course that we're busy and have other things to talk about, so don't bother us with this bin Laden nonsense.

Why am I reminding you of just a few of Cheney's mistakes and crimes? Because he continues to make these and other ridiculous claims. As long as I live I will continue to refute his lies, and counter his dubious claims because he cannot be allowed any longer to bully people into believing him. He did that for 8 years, but now he is just a private citizen. He was wrong in 2001. He is wrong now. He will always be wrong. Nothing he says now has any credibility. He is no longer Vice President. He is a bitter, paranoid man who is sadly trying to rewrite history for his benefit. But history will judge him as a fool long after he is gone.
Just back from sunny dog beach. Aaahhh... paradise!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Repubs "look forward" by citing Reagan on horseback! Unbelievable.
This is just about as nice as the weather gets in Chicago! :-)
Nicest day of the year so far in Chicago. :-D

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Wolfowitz almost single handedly extended the Iraq war by calling Sunnis "Nazis".

upside-down dog

my dog, crashed out after dog beach.

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I had a good job interview today and a sun-filled afternoon at dog beach.
Man, it's beautiful in Chicago today & will be nicer tomorrow. Finally!!

Monday, May 18, 2009

Watching Olbermann, then Maddow.

The Death of the US Auto Industry?

The one factor that I've yet to hear anyone discuss in this issue (or the decline of newspapers for that matter) is the generational factor. I'm 47, born in 1961 at the very beginning of what many people consider Generation X. For many people my age and younger we simply cannot afford many of the cars currently on the market, not to mention all the high-priced SUV's favored by the baby boom generation which helped hasten the current auto industry decline. That's why you are seeing cars like Kia's Soul, Scion's Xa, and Honda's Fit becoming more popular with younger buyers. Their purchasing patterns come from years of economizing on food, clothing, etc. Many don't own or want to own cars, attributed to their environmental concerns. All this adds up to a huge market advantage for companies like Scion, Toyota, Honda, etc. They've invested in environmentally-friendly, technologically-savvy cars that "speak" to younger buyers, and that they can actually afford. 

The same can be said for the newspapers: Who did they think were going the be their future customers? A generation of consumers raised on active media like Wii, Xbox, the internet, and iPods & iPhones?! Not likely. That's why they're dying. They -- and the US auto industry -- had NO FORSIGHT at all. They just found a profitable wave that they rode all the way to shore, and now they're stunned -- stunned -- that they find themselves faced with paddling back out to sea to catch another wave. The lack of judgement and forethought is mind-boggling. But when you look at who runs most of these companies it's understandable. For the most part it's middle-aged white men -- baby boomers -- who are so closed off to the realities of the outside world (are you listening George Bush & Dick Cheney) that they didn't even see the tidal wave coming towards them. 

I understand the desire to "punish" the American auto makers (and news barons) who were so lax in their judgement. But I also understand President Obamas practical desire to save the jobs of the workers who were faithfully fulfilling their mission to build quality cars. Though they deserve some criticism for not making career transitions when they saw the industry on the ropes, for the most part, auto workers are the victims of this crisis. Let's hope that all parties involved can find a solution that will provide quality, low-cost, fuel-efficient cars built in America by American workers that the current generation of buyers will want to buy.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Watching SNL's Best of Shorts. Some classics like "Chronicals of Narnia"!

Mr. Cheney, You Did Not Keep Us Safe

Thank you Mr. Begala. This is one of the best overall summaries that I have read of the Bush/Cheney administration and their false bravado about "keeping the US from further attacks" for 7 1/2 years.

Cheney -- a draft dodger -- was totally clueless in the subtleties of mid-east politics and religion. Rather than dealing with the reality of the situation; Bush & Cheney tried desperately to make the situation fit their twisted world view.

They alone had their hands "on the rudder" when the US was attacked on 9/11. They ignored the warnings. And for Cheney continue to claim otherwise is an utter lie. Worse still, we're now finding out that they not only tortured in the name of preventing further attacks, but that it appears that they tortured to gain FALSE confessions of an Iraq-al Qeada connection.
About Dick Cheney
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Green Day is rocking on SNL!

Friday, May 15, 2009

Just met friends for a beer at Fado in Chicago.
Just found a great Safari plug-in (ClickToFlash) that let's you control Flash content.
Happy Friday to everyone.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

New CIA memo says Cheney ordered torture to try to make Iraq / al Qiada link!
Repubs are desperately trying to kill torture investigation!

Donald Rumsfeld Loudly Harangued At White House Correspondents' Dinner (VIDEO)

Sometimes courtesy is a luxury we cannot afford. I think in the case in which we put aside our fears and trusted Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, et al. after 9/11 and they not only confirmed our worse fears, but far exceeded them, then they should face a lifetime of people shouting in their faces rudely. It's the VERY LEAST that should happen to them.
About Video
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Why are my new upstairs neighbors as loud as Clydesdale horses?!
Tomorrow's gonna be a dog beach day: sunny!
Went to the opening of the new modern art wing at the Art Institute today.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Col. Larry Wilkinson tears Dick Cheney a new @$$hole on Rachel Maddow!
Motorcycle washed? Check. Car washed? Check. Dog walked? Check.

Bush Failure To Disclose Waterboarding Appears To Violate Law

Oops. Looks like these fellows are starting to get their lies mixed up. That happens you know, when you've lied so many times, about so many things. It's hard to keep it all straight. It's almost sad -- almost -- to see Rove, Cheney, et al. going on TV now and expecting anyone to buy their ridiculous fear-mongering any longer. Let's keep pushing the Democrats, Attorney General Holder, and President Obama to appoint an independent Special Prosecutor to investigate and let the facts determine justice.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
Just got my motorcycle washed and took a sunny ride down Lake Shore Drive.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Watching the Colbert Report.
My dog is snoring loudly next to me on the couch. :-)
Watching Seinfeld w/ Roxy.
Whew! Just finished my workout. Yes!
Good morning Brightkite, Facebook, Twitter.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Watching "Religulous" with Bill Maher.
The new Star Trek rocks!
Met guy on motorcycle ride also named Brian. Also rides BMW. Also lives in Evanston. Spooky.
Early motorcycle ride + coffee. Dog beach. Lunch. Nap. = :-)
Good morning world!


Just went to see new Star Trek. Very, very good. :-)

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Saturday, May 09, 2009

Just went to see new Star Trek. Very, very good. :-)


Homemade waffles & café latté for breakfast.

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Homemade waffles & caf� latt� for breakfast.

Friday, May 08, 2009


I just had a wonderful pot roast w/ friends. Yum!

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I just had a wonderful pot roast w/ friends. Yum!

Thursday, May 07, 2009


Watching Rachel Maddow. She rocks!

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I got some sunny dog beach time in before the rains come. Again.

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I got some sunny dog beach time in before the rains come. Again.


Good Thursday morning to everyone.

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Good Thursday morning to everyone.

Wednesday, May 06, 2009


Watching The Daily Show.

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Watching The Daily Show.


Watching Countdown w/ Keith Olbermann.

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Watching Countdown w/ Keith Olbermann.

Tuesday, May 05, 2009


Watching Rachel Maddow with my dog by my side.

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Watching Rachel Maddow with my dog by my side.
Wow: just awoke from 3 hour nap!
Happy cinco de mayo!

Monday, May 04, 2009

Arianna Talks Moon Travel And Naked Babes With Richard Branson For Digg Dialogg (VIDEO)

Richard Branson ROCKS!

Not only is he uber-rich, but he uses his wealth & power for GOOD causes!
About Video
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
Cafe latte, dog walk, and hot bath to start the day.
...just another Manic Monday!

Sunday, May 03, 2009

"Milk" is a great movie. Sean Pen is brilliant!
Watching "Milk" on Blu-Ray.
Makin' dinner. Watchin' Seinfeld.

This is MY Sunday morning "Church"

This is where I get my spiritual uplifting.

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This is MY Sunday morning "Church"

This is where I get my spiritual uplifting.

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This is MY Sunday morning "Church"

This is where I get my spiritual uplifting.

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This is MY Sunday morning "Church"

This is where I get my spiritual uplifting.

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This is MY Sunday morning "Church"

This is where I get my spiritual uplifting.

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Me and my BMW R1150 R

Me and my BMW R1150 R

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My BMW R1150 R

This is my BMW R1150 R

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Just got back from...80 mile motorcycle ride, and then dog beach!

Saturday, May 02, 2009

The Bulls blew it. :-(

Flowers 2009

Spring flowers from around my neighborhood.

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Flowers 2009

Spring flowers from around my neighborhood.

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Flowers 2009

Spring flowers from around my neighborhood.

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Flowers 2009

Spring flowers from around my neighborhood.

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Flowers 2009

Spring flowers from around my neighborhood.

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Flowers 2009

Spring flowers from around my neighborhood.

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Flowers 2009

Spring flowers from around my neighborhood.

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Flowers 2009

Spring flowers from around my neighborhood.

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Flowers 2009

Spring flowers from around my neighborhood.

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Flowers 2009

Spring flowers from around my neighborhood.

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Flowers 2009

Spring flowers from around my neighborhood.

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Flowers 2009

Spring flowers from around my neighborhood.

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Flowers 2009

Spring flowers from around my neighborhood.

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Flowers 2009

Spring flowers from around my neighborhood.

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Flowers 2009

Spring flowers from around my neighborhood.

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Newsflash: OMG it's sunny in Chicago!

Friday, May 01, 2009

Watching Countdown w/ Keith Olbermann.

Church Going Americans More Likely To Support Torture

...exactly why I don't go to church!
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
Bonjour � tous mes amis.