Dick Cheney authorized illegal
torture. Dick Cheney authorized illegal spying. Dick Cheney was
negligent in keeping America safe before 9/11. Dick Cheney leaked the identity of a covert CIA agent to the media. Dick Cheney pushed the US into an
unjustified and unnecessary war in Iraq with now disproved claims of ties between Iraq and al Qeada. He, along with his associates Paul Wolfowitz, and Donald Rumsfeld made claims of soldiers being greeted as liberators, and showered with rose petals. They told us that the mission would be accomplished quickly, cheaply and completely. Yet 7 years, billions of dollars, and over 4000 US lives later, we still occupy Iraq. And bin Laden? He's still free and hiding in Pakistan. Oh, and the supposed WMD's that Cheney and CIA chief Tenet called a "slam dunk"? Of course they were never found, because they never existed. No, 9/11 gave the Bush administration it's needed excuse to topple Sadaam -- a plan that they had in place from day 1 of their tenure. Cheney claims that the Bush administration kept America safe for 7 1/2 years. What he cannot claim is that the Bush administration kept America safe for it's entire 8 years in office because of course, 9/11 happened well into their first year in office. It is now well known that Bush and Cheney were briefed in August of 2001, just one month before 9/11 with a PDB (Presidential Daily Briefing) titled "bin Laden determined to attack America". It is also now known that then President Bush brushed aside the PDB given to him by saying "Okay, you've covered your ass". Meaning of course that we're busy and have other things to talk about, so don't bother us with this bin Laden nonsense.
Why am I reminding you of just a few of Cheney's mistakes and crimes? Because he continues to make these and other ridiculous claims. As long as I live I will continue to refute his lies, and counter his dubious claims because he cannot be allowed any longer to bully people into believing him. He did that for 8 years, but now he is just a private citizen. He was wrong in 2001. He is wrong now. He will always be wrong. Nothing he says now has any credibility. He is no longer Vice President. He is a bitter, paranoid man who is sadly trying to rewrite history for his benefit. But history will judge him as a fool long after he is gone.