Thank you Mr. Begala. This is one of the best overall summaries that I have read of the Bush/Cheney administration and their false bravado about "keeping the US from further attacks" for 7 1/2 years.
Cheney -- a draft dodger -- was totally clueless in the subtleties of mid-east politics and religion. Rather than dealing with the reality of the situation; Bush & Cheney tried desperately to make the situation fit their twisted world view.
They alone had their hands "on the rudder" when the US was attacked on 9/11. They ignored the warnings. And for Cheney continue to claim otherwise is an utter lie. Worse still, we're now finding out that they not only tortured in the name of preventing further attacks, but that it appears that they tortured to gain FALSE confessions of an Iraq-al Qeada connection.
About Dick Cheney
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
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