Both Dick Cheney and Colin Powell have lost their credibility. They lied. And not just small lies, but massive, historical lies. "We know where the WMD's are". "It's a slam dunk". "Mission accomplished". "We're in the last throw's". "Sadaam possesses chemical, biological, and nuclear weapons capability". All wrong. All lies.
Now for some reason, they media is falling over themselves to give airtime to these two liars. And we're supposed to pay attention. Let's summarize. Dick Cheney and Colin Powell were part of the worst presidency in modern history. They lied us into an unnecessary war and let Osama bin Laden escape. They spied on innocent Americans, tortured people, and dropped the ball on 9/11. And the whole time the media looked the other way and failed their duty to ask tough questions.
The bottom line is this: We won. You lost. Now, get out of the way so we can repair all the damage you've done to this country!
About Harsh Interrogations
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