Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Steve Jobs: Apple Tablet "Will Be The Most Important Thing I've Ever Done" (RUMOR)

I remember about 10 years ago when critics were ranting about Apples demise. Steve Jobs was envisioning a small, lightweight, portable music player called the iPod. He approached all of the major music labels to seek their cooperation. They basically laughed him out of their offices. So, he did an end-around and started the iTunes store. Billions of downloads later, the record labels are STILL trying to catch up. Steve Jobs repeated this story when he proposed the iPhone. Virtually every major cellphone carrier told him he was crazy. Now of course they're practically soiling themselves trying to copy the iPhone. You see, Apple does not compromise their products. Are they the cheapest on the market? No, but that's hardly the point. They simply make well-designed, easy-to-use products that work, and work very well. If you want to be like everyone else and buy the cheapest netbook available; fine. But some of us prefer the value-added features that Apple has always included in all of their products since the first Macs.
About Steve Jobs
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Obama Finally Gets His Victory For Bipartisanship

I could not agree more. Some of the most dedicated Obama supporters I know are now losing faith! I am personally not ready to give up on him but he (and his advisors) have made some terrible decisions. Why? Are they afraid of the right? It sure seems so, as they pucker up and kiss the @$$ of every Republican't in sight. There is no one freer than one who has nothing left to lose. President Obama, his advisors, and the Democrats in Congress need to "man-up" so-to-speak and start showing some backbone! Will the right wing scream? Yes, but they've been screaming anyway. Let 'em. Too bad. We won. They lost. They screwed things up and it should be OUR time to have it our way for a change! If not, maybe they should just call it quits and let some more people like Rep. Anthony Weiner and Rep. Alan Grayson take the lead. At least THEY aren't afraid!
About Barack Obama
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost