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Saturday, December 04, 2010

Hang One, Hang 'Em All

I don't entirely agree with you Mr. Baldwin. While I do believe that Cheney, Libby, and Armitage belong in jail, I do not support your assertion that WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange belongs there. He is being relentless­ly smeared by the media -- with the help of numerous government­s -- because they suddenly realize that there is no such thing as secrecy in the internet era. And that TERRIFIES them! Unfortunat­ely, they are going to fall on Mr. Assange like a ton of bricks. No doubt they will arrest him on some bogus charges trumped up to make him seem evil. The truth is, he and WikiLeaks have done us all a huge service by revealing the secrets of an unjustifie­d war.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

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